Services Offered
Adding tack and riders to horses increases their effort fourfold. Bodywork should be tailored to each horse to treat ongoing issues and new stressors before they become chronic. Garnas Equine is well-equipped to develop a personalized plan to help your horse achieve better health, movement, and performance.
Benefits may include, but are not limited to: Pain Relief • Lead or Gait Transition Issues • Improved Proprioception • Stress Relief • More Efficient Movement • Improved Posture, Circulation, Hair Coat, Muscle Tone • Increased Flexibility and Range Of Motion • Immune System Support • Injury Prevention • Post-surgical/Injury Rehabilitation
the whole body
Modalities Used:
Equine Osteopathy is based on human osteopathy and is becoming increasingly more popular due to it’s abilities to unravel complex issues through an in-depth understanding of the horse’s systems; musculo-skeletal system, cranio-sacral system and visceral systems, while addressing the horse as a whole in order to assist the body in self-correction and self-healing.
Sports Massage Therapy
Equine massage uses a multitude of approaches to release tightness and tension in muscle tissue, to improve range of motion, and enhance comfort and movement. Leeann's extensive training in equine physiology and anatomy enables her to combine touch, pressure and muscle relaxation techniques to enable enhanced performance and shorten injury recuperation time. This remarkable system of therapy benefits both the physical and mental processes of the horse resulting in improved health and lowered stress.
Based on touch, Acupressure works by targeting certain points on the body with steady pressure, following the same Meridian system as acupuncture, with the purpose of regulating bodily energy, aiding in the healing of dis-ease and overall health.
Kinesiology Taping
Kinesiology tape adheres to the coat with an elastic quality, signaling the skin and fascia beneath to decompress, relieving pressure and pain, increasing blood and lymph flow which accelerates oxygen availability for healing. In cases of swelling and increased edema, kinesiology tape can aid in the removal of toxins commonly associated with injury and overuse.
The basic premise…
Any horse that needs a shoe to be sound, is not sound.
Horses in the wild travel long distances across different terrains. In captivity, their hooves can cause issues. Going barefoot can be effective based on the horse's diet, lifestyle, health, work, and the owner's dedication. The aim of going barefoot is to address structural problems and enhance the horse’s overall health through proper diet and care. Leeann has helped improve the horse's well-being by trimming and using polyflex shoes when needed.
Although Leeann is not currently taking new trimming clients, she offers consulting and training for those interested in transitioning to barefoot care. This process involves returning the hoof to its natural function, improving proprioception, circulation, and helping the horse's body correct itself, which requires time and patience.
the hoof
health & nutrition
feeding the whole horse
Lifestyle changes, feeding routines, and travel can disrupt your horse’s natural balance. Supporting your horse’s health starts with a balanced diet, but navigating new nutritional information can be confusing.
Garnas Equine offers a straightforward approach, emphasizing whole food nutrition that benefits the entire digestive system. We want your feed room to promote natural nutrition rather than complicated supplements.
After the initial consultation, we might suggest forage and water testing, along with blood work, to assess any current or potential health issues. We then develop a tailored nutrition plan for your horse, considering their specific needs and available local products.